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The League of The Crimson Smiley Face


September 15th thru October 9th 2004

The following is an account of operations involving asking Miss. Kelsey S****
to the BYU-I Spirit Week Formal 2004. Listed bellow is an outline of the operations with
links to relevant documents and pictures of the subject during those operations.

21 September 2004

20:30 The Omega Team Leader delivers Kelsey's Mission alert to her roommates.

22 September 2004

11:30 Miss ***** emails The Crimson Smiley Face and informs him that the previously scheduled time will not work.
11:35 The Time for the operation is delayed until further notice.
16:05 After an exchange of a series of emails the operation is scheduled for 21:15.
20:30 Escort agents are briefed.
21:05 Agents move out to positions
21:20 Agents Forbes and Rose pick up Miss S***** at her apartment.
21:22 Agents Dunstan and Chumley join the escort in the Smith Building.
21:25 Kelsey is lead into the Library.
21:27 Agents Raich and Oswald conduct an Elevator Handoff.
21:28 Kelsey approaches her mission briefing.
21:35 Agent Heath completes the briefing.
21:40 Agents Forbes, Rose, Dunstan, Chumley, Raich and Oswald lead Kelsey thru the fitness center.
21:50 Kelsey returns to her apartment with an eight agent escort.
21:52 Agent Heath gives Miss S***** the decryption key.
22:10 Debriefing held with agents.